Moons are natural satellites, celestial bodies that orbit other other bodies such as planets or large asteroids that are large enough to have their own gravitational pull. Planets acquire moons in a number of ways. Satellites that orbit close by, near a planet's equatorial plane, and the same direction-such as Jupiter's moons were likely crested at the same time as the planet.

Moons in retrograde to a planet’s gravity. Neptune’s Triton is one such moon. Moons can also come into when large objects collide with planets. Chipping off matter that becomes an orbiting body. Earth’s moon for example may have formed this way. All the planets and dwarf planets except Mercury, Venus, Ceres and Make have Moons. Altogether, our solar system contains at least 146 moons. Until the invention of the telescope, only Earth’s moon was visible.

Moons seem the most promising places to look for evidence of extraterrestrial life-forums. A few moons such as Neptune's Triton has polar ice caps and geysers; lo has huge volcanic eruptions. Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's moon Titan may be the solar system apart from Earth to have liquid water.


Calendar of lunar eclipses; Americas, Asia, Australia, and Pacific , April 4, 2015 Americas, Europe, Africa and Atlantic, September 28, 2015; Asia, Australia and Pacific January 31 2018; Africa, S. Asia Europe, Australia and Antarctica July 27 2018 Americas, W. Europe, W. Africa, Atlantic and pacific, January 2019.